Imachination & Genetics

the imachinative aspects of 


protein atlas of Drosophila melanogaster (see also turning animation in the head)

Structural Parallels

Above all there are structural parallels between the imachinations and the genomics, because they are both based on just a few elements (3 and 4). The imachinations are structured by the three colours red, green and blue (RGB) which result in addition very complex.
The genetic code is structured by only
the four bases adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine—often abbreviated as A, C, G, and T.

The following page provides a lot of information, how the genetic code is structured:


This page demonstrates how the RGB colour system functions:

In 1962 James Watson (1928– ), Francis Crick (1916– ), and Maurice Wilkins (1916– ) jointly received the Nobel Prize in medicine or physiology for their determination in 1953 of the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). 
Today we are still far away from understanding the complexity of the genome. E.g. non encoding RNA shows a new relationship between code, structure and function. (more...)

James Watson and Francis Crick with their DNA model at the Cavendish Laboratories in 1953 (more....)

Watson and Cricks paper from 2 April 1953: A structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid
Crick and Watsons DNA model (1953) at Science Museum London
Darwin Centre/ London

Art & Genetics:
The TwoTen Gallery, The Wellcome Trust/London
Mendel Museum of genetics, St. Thomas Abbey, Brno/CZ

Theoretical links

Lesen, Schreiben, Redigieren: Das Jahrhundert des Gens - eine Epoche mit ungewisser Zukunft (German article in NZZ 21/07/2001)
Leonard Adleman's experiments in DNA-computing: "DNA is a Universal Turing machine"

an approach to the notion of imachination
