13 March 2014 first part of an Interview with Tim Otto Roth by Daniela de Paulis on Astro Art Blog at Astronomers Without Borders

14 March 2014 Ad Accademia Lincei Roma arte e stelle in mega Giostra dei Cieli, Internationale.it

13 March 2014 Annoucement 1405 on Spacetelescope.org: Spectacular sound art installation at fourth "Science with Hubble"

13 March 2014 Da Hubble a James Web by Elisa Nichelli on Media INAF

24 January 2014 Space Telescope Newsletter announces officially the new project Heaven's Carousel having Premiere in mid March in Rome.

first impressions from the Rome setup

images by Tim Otto Roth/ imachination projects

images by Pam Jeffries/ STScI

impressions from the Cologne tests

all images by Tim Otto Roth/ imachination projects