delocalization from 26 November 2004 till 06 March 2005

49,31'50''°N 6,53'56"°E Imachinations at Schloß Dagstuhl (29/11/04),
digital projection 2 by 3 metres

On 29 November 2004 at Schloß Dagstuhl and at the ZKM Karlsruhe started the third cycle of the Imachinations. As a projection of about 2 by 3 metres on the tower-like library and seminar building of the Centre for Computer Science the Imachinations made a dialogue with the monastery-like architecture. The guests at Schloß Dagstuhl could pursue the serial changes of the Imachinations for several nights, since the invited computer scientists from all over the world meet for nearly a whole week to discuss specific topics of computer sciences.

Two "turns" in computer science

The conceptual link for the Imachinations at Schloß Dagstuhl is, that computer science stands at the beginning of the today‘s imaging processing chain. Computer science plays a key role formulating the interfaces between analogue and digital world. Only a few of the asked interview partners at Schloß Dagstuhl research on pictures, however many of them use pictures for structuring processes and data. So you can talk about an iconic turn or better to say a diagrammatic turn in computer science. The Word Wide Web plays an important role for them too because of its new focus on the relating factor of networks. It was furthermore remarkable that the question of academic computer science, what in symbolic systems by means of mathematics can be formulated, had a less technical than philosophical character.

Read more in the imachination report for Schloß Dagstuhl.
Read the interviews.

example graphs from aiSee

imachination partner: Saarland-Sporttoto