Quo vadis ars?

The situation in the cultural sector has been described and discussed in numerous interviews, corona diaries, comments and reports in the past few weeks. Our annotated collection of currently 193 sources gathers voices from different sectors and media. This creates a picture of the cultural landscape in crisis, whose temporal transformation can be explored interactively via a dedicated tag cloud.


Contra: Kunst hat eine schlechte Klimabilanz . Pro und Contra Kulturreisen
Contra: Art has a poor carbon footprint . The pros and cons of cultural travel

by Catrin Lorch (05 Jul 2020)
Original source: Süddeutsche Zeitung

With the new requirements for visiting exhibitions, mega-exhibitions are a thing of the past. Visitor numbers are becoming incalculable, and even the municipalities themselves will probably be short of money in the near future. With a reduced number of visitors, horrendous costs for loaning and for the exhibition concept can no longer be paid. It is not only the climate balance and economic efficiency, but also common sense that calls for a return to the local audience.

tag Bildende Kunst Kulturtourismus Klimabilanz lokales Publikum
Performing Arts/ Cinema Diskussion

Pro: Kunst ist Kulturverständigung - und deshalb politisch . Pro und Contra Kulturreisen
Pro: Art is cultural understanding - and therefore political . The pros and cons of cultural travel

by Nicolas Freund (05 Jul 2020)
Original source: Süddeutsche Zeitung

Cultural trips are more than luxury? Historically, art has long been reserved only for the ruling classes. If one follows the thesis formulated by the writer John Berger in his essay "Ways of Seeing", the consideration of art is not only a democratic act, but also a place of confrontation with the past precisely because of the detachement of the ruling caste. The change of perspective in the present makes art at the same time an ideal place for the negotiation of social discourses. Therefore, one should not recklessly give up the privilege of participating in a rt events, just because it is a little more difficult to reach exhibition cities at the moment.

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tag Bildende Kunst Kulturtourismus Original Demokratie Austausch
Visual Arts/Design Diskussion

Zerreißprobe für die Buchmesse
Ordeal for the book fair

by Sandra Kegel (04 Jul 2020)
Original source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The Frankfurt Book Fair is not only an important economic factor for the industry, it is also a historical institution, as it can look back on an intellectual tradition and five hundred years of history. In the current crisis, the fair management, together with the Börsenverein, has decided to hold the fair this year, but to distribute many events throughout the city. Now it has become known that the city of Frankfurt wants to expand the trade fair concept for 2021 to include music and gaming. The outcry in the book industry is huge. It is to be hoped that the book fair concept will survive this crisis as well.

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tag Literatur Buchmesse Frankfurt
Literature/ Text Bericht

Solidarität in der Krise . Die Online-Plattform »Artist in the Box«
Solidarity during the crisis . The online platform »Artist in the Box«

by Susanna Schürmanns (04 Jul 2020)
Original source: WDR

What would a society be without art? What would happen if all artists went on strike for a year? This is a thought at the moment that impressively demonstrates the importance of art for society and its critical potential.  The situation of artists in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is dramatic. Many of the freelance artists are fighting for survival. The project "Artist in the box" wants to draw attention to this precarious situation. About 60 artists, including such well-known photographers as Boris Becker, offer works online. Part of the income goes to the author, but a community contribution is also distributed among all artists. In this way the project wants to help everyone to survive the crisis unscathed.
The Corona Pandemic did not only affect the four photographers from Cologne, who initiated the project completely unprepared. The order books were full, project applications were approved when one cancellation after the other arrived at the beginning of March, and all income was wiped out overnight. Even though the state government in NRW provides support, the hurdles to obtaining it are great. Only half of the 30,000 artists in NRW received the 2,000 € in emergency aid, and many will probably have to pay back the 9,000 € for solo self-employed artists. The basic security as a means of subsistence does not include money for tools and equipment, without which the artists cannot pursue their profession. An instrument parallel to short-time work, as demanded by Heike Herold of the Kulturrat NRW, does not exist for the scene.

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tag Fotografie NRW Solidarität Artist in the box Soforthilfe Hartz IV Umsatzeinbruch Kurzarbeit
Visual Arts/Design Fernsehfeature

Entwarnung klingt anders . Chorsingen und Corona: Studie macht Aerosole sichtbar
It doesn't sound like the all-clear . Choral singing and corona: Study makes aerosols visible

by Tobias Stosiek (03 Jul 2020)
Original source: BR Klassik

At the beginning of the Corona pandemic there were some cases of mass infection in choirs and so it is reasonable to assume that the risk of infection is particularly high when singing. In a study conducted by the LMU Munich and the Friedrich-Alexander-University in Erlangen, the voice physician Matthias Echternach and the fluid mechanic Stefan Kniesburges conducted a series of experiments to make the spread of aerosols visible. Singers of the Bavarian Radio Choir were available as test persons. They had the hope that the study would send a positive signal for an early resumption of concert activities.

The all-clear hoped for by the study did not come true, the hygiene rules that have been in force up to now are quite sensible, since aerosols do not only spread forward but also sideways. The degree of propagation depends on the existing ventilation system. A whole series of questions still remain unanswered: Does deep breathing while singing contribute to an increased probability of infection? How large is the amount of aerosol that is formed when singing and what is the corresponding concentration of aerosols in the air? Questions that still need to be answered in order to further trace the dangers of choral singing.

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tag Chorsingen Aerosole Spucketröpfchen Hygieneregeln BR-Chor Matthias Echternach Stefan Kniesburges
Music Bericht

Es fehlt die Angemessenheit der Mittel . Gesangsverbot für Chöre in Berlin

by Maria Ossowski (29 Jun 2020)
Original source: rbb24

Berlin has updated its Corona Ordinance and has banned singing in closed rooms strictly. There are no exceptions to this regulation. The regulations are to remain in force until 24 October. The choirs are annoyed because they were not informed about the new ban in advance.

tag Chöre Oper Berufsverbot Berlin Verhältnismäßigkeit
Music Kommentar

Was möglich ist . Die Münchner Philharmoniker spielen wieder vor Publikum
What's possible . The Munich Philharmonic Orchestra plays again in front of an audience

by Egbert Tholl (25 Jun 2020)
Original source: Süddeutsche Zeitung

In Bavaria the hygiene rules are more restrictive than in any other federal state. Not only maximum distances between visitors in the Munich Philharmonic Hall are adhered to, but it is also not permitted to remove masks during the concert. It remains to be seen whether this is due to the "obviously most useless Minister of Art" who does not have confidence in the discipline of high culture audiences. But the 40 or so musicians under the direction of Valery Gergiev are not letting the restrictions affect them.

tag Klassische Musik Münchner Philharmoniker Hygieneregeln Kulturminister Konzert
Music Kurzkritik

Event- und Konzertveranstalter in Not . Aktion „Night of Light“
Event and concert organizer in distress . Campaign: „Night of Light“

by Tom Koperek, Stephan Karkowsky (22 Jun 2020)
Original source: Deutschlandfunk

On the evening of 22 June 2020 concert halls, theatres and live clubs are taking part throughout Germany: Their buildings illuminated in red did draw attention to the problems of the event industry at the "Night of Light". Since the event industry is a very heterogeneous branch of industry with over 150 subsections, it is difficult to make them visible in the political discourse.

tag Night of Light Veranstaltungsbranche Berufsverbot Solo-Selbständige Soforthilfe
All sections Interview

What’s the ideal post-pandemic art market? One that's no longer a Disneyland for the rich . Capitalism has gobbled up the art world over the past decade—it is high time for a reset

by Jane Kallir (22 Jun 2020)
Original source: The Art Newspaper

The art world expanded beyond the limits of sustainability even before Covid 19 states art dealer and curator Jane Kallir in her comment. A few big galleries and auction houses have taken over the art world and turning it into a big commerce for the rich jetset. Diversity changed to a “limited market of the bankable recognisable few” (Melanie Gerlis) pushing the smaller galleries out of the market.
For Kallir this trend to commercialisation was initiated in the 1980’s expanding in the last decades massively the art market and turning art works on the one side into a speculative object for short-term profit and on the other side into crowd-pleasing entertainments. An ideal post-pandemic world art would be no longer such a Disneyland for the rich.

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tag Kunstmarkt Galerien Kommerzialisierung Jetset
Visual Arts/Design Kommentar

Ein bisschen Event geht immer . Klassik & Corona
A little bit of event always works . Classical music & Corona

by Manuel Brug (20 Jun 2020)
Original source: Welt

The friends of classical music would currently be preparing for an exciting festival summer if Corona did not prevent pretty much everything that inspires the classical world. In his article, Manuel Brug gives an overview of the plans for the summer and the start of the season. While the start of the season has already been postponed to January at the major opera houses in the USA, the Paris Opera is struggling with a 40 million deficit. In Germany, the new season is being celebrated with smaller productions, only the Bavarian State Opera does not want to miss a per formance with Marina Abramovic.

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tag Klassische Musik Oper Konzerthäuser Spielplan Festivals USA Paris Streaming Marina Abramovic
Music Bericht



The signet of facing arts joining the faces of STORM.

Facing arts is a non-profi project. Feel free to support it and get in touch with us!

The Team

Facing arts is a projet by STORM.

STORM is an acronym playing with the initials by Miriam Seidler & Tim Otto Roth, who are hit both by the Corona crisis. Dr. Miriam Seidler is a scholar in German literature and currently works as specialist in public relations. Dr. Tim Otto Roth is a scholar in art and science history and works as a conceptual artist and composer. He is known for his huge projects in public space, cooperations with leading scientific institutions and his immersive sound and light installations. Miriam and Tim collaborate regularly for years. With facing arts they reaslize their first common art project.
You find more informatin on both initiators on www.miriamseidler.de and www.imachination.net.

Special thanks to Paco Croket for the tag cloud programming!

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